Best upcoming smartphone!

Best upcoming smartphone!

what about today we were talking about the best upcoming smartphone so let's go ahead and get started all right so first is the Google pixel for this has been a wildly um rumored phone it's gonna have a six-point two five-inch display and it is going to have a built-in fingerprint scanner you will have it looks like three cameras on the back so it sort of has this camera module kind of setup looking design you don't have a full-screen display you can see they still decided to go with you know the no not with thee so this is expected to have a stereo speakers the USB type-c no 3.5 millimeter jack I will, of course, have the latest Snapdragon 855 processor in about six kilobytes of RAM it's expected to be released in October and if history repeats itself this should have the best camera in smartphones the Google pixel is usually known for that so

I really like it I like the design I don't really mind it that much so this phone should be a nice step up if they are adding the telephoto lens on here which is gonna be awesome and it overall is probably gonna be the smartphone camera King once again next is an interesting phone that they're doubling their Sony Xperia to so Sony has been pushing out a new phones every six months and so this phone actually has six cameras on it which makes it really unique it's got the sort of full screen display but without the notch but it does have a very slim bezels absolutely obviously the cameras are really really interesting on here so it does have a point five megapixel tof sensor along with a 48 megapixel sensor 20 megapixel sensor and a 16 megapixel sensor along with a 12 megapixel sensor and an 8 megapixel sensor so obviously this is going to have a lot of different capabilities since it has so many different cameras so we'll just have to wait and see till we get more information on this guy so this is the huawei mate 30 it'll be pretty interesting to see if this phone actually comes out since the US and while they are having problems but we're expected to see a glass and metal design it should be ip68 a certified eye in display fingerprint scanner six point three inch a full HD display we should see the curent eighty-five / 990 chipset 60 gigabytes of RAM 128 gigabytes of storage and it should have expandable storage with a 4200 milliamp battery and 55 Y fast charging so this should have reversed fast charging as well so it'll be interesting to see if this phone actually even comes to the light alright so next is the Motorola RAZR this is the foldable Motorola phone and I've been talking about this phone a lot it's gonna have a 6.2 inch LED display 2142 by 876 it will have the Qualcomm Snapdragon 710 which is little underwhelming four or 60 good bytes of RAM 64 or 128 gigabytes of storage in the 2730 milliamp battery but the big thing about this phone is the design it being able to flip open and give you that classic Motorola RAZR looking design so this is a very much anticipated phone I'm really excited for it there are rumors that this is going to come out and later in the year sometime in October so hopefully we see it before next year and I'm just really excited for this phone is going to be awesome we don't know a whole bunch of about it but it's shaping up to look like an awesome phone so next is the iPhone 11 so it's looking like the iPhone 11 it's not gonna be a huge upgrade this looking like they're gonna throw 5g into it are going to improve the face ID we should see some reverse wireless charging the Apple 813 chip Apple pencil capability is probably gonna make
its way and hopefully a waterproof design but what we do know is that it is gonna have a triple camera setup which is gonna be very awesome but otherwise it's looking like it's going to have the same design with the same knowledge and stuff like that so definitely a little underwhelming for the design part and overall I'm just not crazy about the design of the phone but hopefully the cameras are gonna be even better because the iPhone has one of the best cameras you can get besides the Google pixel so next is the huawei mate X so this is a foldable a phone that turns into a tablet and it's really really awesome it's gonna happen image display when it's unfolded 22:20 by 2480 the latest version of Android it's going 512 gigabytes of storage you will be able to add a microSD you will have a 40 megapixel camera and you can get bytes of RAM 4500 million and battery and the most exciting thing about this device is that the design is absolutely beautiful hopefully it's probably gonna take a little bit more time since the galaxy foldable phone I did have a failed launch so I'm sure they're gonna make sure that there's was going to be a working condition when it's released so very excited for this phone has some really top-notch specs and just an amazing design that people are gonna be really excited to get 

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